The origins of the city’s name
The name is probably derived from the ancient Veneti people, who inhabited the region by the 10th century BC. It is supposed, that Venice was founded in the middle of 5th century, which means that by now the city is almost 1600 years old. At this time, Venice was at its golden age, when the city had a lot of power. It was at the times of the republic of Venice – from 14th until 16th century.

Currently, there are around 258,658 people resided in greater Venice, of whom 51,000 live in the historical island city of Venice, while the rest resides the mainland. Venice loses approximately 1000 citizens every year. The main reasons for this are financial problems and the risk of the town getting flooded, because of the high water levels.

Median age
It is common knowledge that Venice is a city of elderly people, but it is not the high mortality rate that causes the decline in the number of its inhabitants. The main culprits are high apartment rental prices and a generally higher cost of living than in other parts of Italy. In the late Gothic period (around 1422), Venice was one of the most populated European cities – almost 200,000 people lived there. In later years, the number of inhabitants was as follows: currently it is inhabited by approximately 50,000 people