Differences between Italian and Polish society
While Italian as different dialects for almost every region of the country, while in Poland there are only three dialects – Kashubian, Silesian and Malopolanian. The Polish laguage has it’s roots in the West-Slavic group of Indo-European languages, and Italian comes from the Romance language group.

Regional independence
Italy has a strong sense of regional identity, with distinct cultural and linguistic differences between regions. Northern, central, and southern Italy each have their unique characteristics. In Poland only two regions have such sense – Kashubia and Silesia. They have their own traditions and culture, while their regional dialects are very noticeable.
Football fans
There isn’t really any differences between normal polish football fans and Italian football fans. It’s about the polish pseudo-fans or soccer hooligans who doesn’t have anything in common with a normal football enthusiast.
Soccer hooligans are a group of violent and aggressive fans who engage in unruly behavior, such as fighting, vandalism, and hooliganism, during or after soccer matches. They can be associated with a particular team and are known for causing disturbances and sometimes even riots.

Meal traditions
Italy and Poland in terms of meals are totally two different things. There are many differences between them like for example in Poland people eat various things for breakfast like scrambled eggs, sandwiches or something sweet while drinking some juice, coffee or tea. While in Italy they only get a croissant and a coffee which for some people might be not much to start the day. For lunch Italian people often just get pasta or vegetables formed in a salad. In Poland lunch is mostly a meal that will make you full for the rest of the day like some meat with a soup, but it depends on the house because people eat different things.
Finally for dinner and the final meal of the day in Italy where it’s the most filling meal of the day, which is made of two parts, the first dish and the second. For the first part it’s pasta or risotto but if it was eaten for lunch then there will be something else or on the north of the country it’s a soup, The second dish is meat or fish followed by dessert.
Traditions in Poland and Italy are actually much different than you think, for example Christmas. The part of decorating houses and trees in winter didn’t change, but instead of Santa delivering presents to homes like in Poland, in Italy the work is done by an old lady named La Befana that rides on a broom. The legend says she lost her way following the Three Wise Men, so ever since she is looking for Jesus while handing out gifts to kids.